

Winter is definetly here
Carlos is out and it´s just the little one and I sheltering from the rain and cold.
We´re back in the city and I miss the Farm
I feel so much more alive and inspired there, I really do
But hey, I can´t complaint, I mean, look. at that. face. :)


Carolina said...

Hehe gracias Danita!!!! Preciosas las fotos de mi chicoooooo zuki!!

Les pommettes du chat said...

Those pretty pictures make me smile!

::The Beetle Shack:: said...

hey what a beautiful blog you have here!! hope you don't mind if i stick around?!

The Franglaise said...

peek-a-boo gorgeous boy! I can see you! :)

tea with lucy said...

those big beautiful alert ideas.

hello gorgeous boy.

Tara said...

cute!!! I miss you guys! All my love to you and the new beautiful boy!